Travel Theme : Distance

A field of dreams

A field of dreams

Sunflowers are my favourite flower and a small town called Allora is the sunflower capital in Queensland. The sight of acres and acres of these gorgeous flowers stretching to the distant horizon is one I will never forget.

Thanks Ailsa your theme of “distance” brought back this beautiful memory. Take a look into other bloggers distant posts click here.

Categories: distance, photography, travel theme | Tags: , , | 6 Comments

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6 thoughts on “Travel Theme : Distance

  1. I love the sunflower too and just did a post about it as a matter of fact. But I would love love love to see a filed like this and get a shot like this!!
    Great job!

    • Jack took this photo and photo-shopped our van Matilda into the middle of it. I have just planted some sunflower seeds into the garden, but it is an uphill job protecting them from the slugs and snails.

  2. Sunflower fields are so glorious~

  3. I love to see the sunflowers in the fields. They’re such a happy flower 🙂

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