Travel Theme : Hidden

We stumbled into a hidden part of Aboriginal history on our trip around Australia in 2010.

200 years ago the way the settlers and pioneers treated the Aboriginal people was a shameful part of Australian history. For years the true extent of that story has been hidden. Stories of the horror and pain of children being forcibly torn from their families. Their culture and way of living going back 40000+ years being denied.

Exploring an overgrown track we found, a wall of remembrance covered with names, many of them with only a Christian name, the poor children were even stripped of their Aboriginal name. Behind the wall and hidden away, a graveyard, neglected and reverting back to bush. The occasional iron cross leaning in despair, no names, no recognition.

It was sad to see and think about lives lived and died never knowing their families or culture.

Entrance to the cemetery

Entrance to the cemetery

The bush regenerating

The bush regenerating around the lonely crosses

As it has for thousands of years spring brings the beauty of new growth

As it has for thousands of years spring brings the beauty of new growth

So sad

So sad


Remembrance and respect from young people

Remembrance and respect from young people

As we travelled around Australia I did a post about the Mogumber mission where the children from the stolen generation were taken. Now deserted and derelict it left a  lasting and uneasy feeling in me. Click here to read about this sad place. 

Ailsa has given us the theme of “hidden” this week and that triggered my memories of this sad place. Go to Ailsa’s blog “Where’s my backpack” to discover more hidden treasures.

Categories: Aboriginal history, Australia, hidden, photography, travel theme, Western Australia | Tags: , , , , , | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “Travel Theme : Hidden

  1. This is very sad. I remember in South Africa Near where I lived were also some hidden graves from the old Voortrekkers. People unknown because there were no names just some crosses or headstones.

  2. Melancholic, but so important to post! Thank you~

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