Traces of the past : the good old days!!!

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I am old enough to be able to, vaguely, remember back to when I was first married and used this set up in the back shed to wash the cloth nappies, (no disposables back then) That was in the early 1960’s, I can hardly believe that I am now calling back then the “good old days”…

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I don’t think I would like to go back to those “good old days”. I found these relics and so much more memorabilia in a heritage village called “Tailem Town”. It was a fascinating place, like stepping back into history. Step back in time here. I spent hours enveloped in memories of times gone by.

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What stories of the past this old vehicle could tell us…


This week Paula, in her “Thursday’s special“, invites us to show some traces of the past.  

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30 thoughts on “Traces of the past : the good old days!!!

  1. Love the photo of the truck Pauline. I’m not sure how we’d all cope these days with a laundry set up from the “good old days”.

  2. Hi! In the 70s I actually used a washing machine that my grandma had it was like the one you featured – well here was white and different – but had the roller and handle to hand enter clothes to ring!
    Also – the turquoise was so edgy back then! Great post for the traces of the past – oh and wow to the washing you did – things sure have changed – do moms even realize what they have?

    • I remember up grading to the white model that had automatic feed through the wringers, but they would grab the sheets in a bundle then you had to hit the bar, quickly, to unlock the wringers and free the sheets and it would fly open with such force, quite scary if parts of your body was in the way… Oh my life was fun (???) back then…

  3. For a terrible moment I thought that was your own back yard, Pauline! Oh, the joys of a poss tub and mangle 🙂 🙂

  4. Great set of past things, Pauline! Don’t envy you with that kind of laundry set-up 😟

  5. These are a real blast from the past Pauline, I remember my gran had a mangle outside and used to love turning the handle to squeeze as much water out as possible. Such hard work, we have it easy now. Great photos 🙂

    • It was hard work back then. I also had a big copper to boil all the sheets etc. in, then hook them out with a large wooden stick to rinse then put through the mangle. Oh happy (???) days…

  6. Oh the mangle! I remember being told not to mangle my fingers. And those rollers had a very strange smell!

  7. Great photos. I think I remember a story of a great grandmother getting her rather large and stately bosom caught in one of these. At least she could stop with first contact.

    • They could be very lethal. I also remember the next model that had an emergency release bar that would shoot up with terrific force when the sheets or towels got trapped. I’ve had many a clip by that one…

  8. What stories, indeed! Meg’s comment made me laugh 😀 I want the good old days back too. Pauline, these are great photos. I love all of them.

    • Thanks Paula that was the best heritage village I have ever been around I could’ve put so many photos in from it for this challenge. It was hard to make a decision.

  9. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Traces of the Past Y2-02 | Lost in Translation

  10. Nostalgia is a great thing – as long as it stays in the past. I used cloth nappies, too, and at one stage I had three children in them at the same time, twins and a toddler. Thankfully by then I also had a washing machine. Phew!

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