Posts Tagged With: garden

Travel Theme : Benches

What an interesting theme Ailsa and every one seems to be in love with benches. Go to Ailsa’s blog “Where’s my backpack” to see hundreds of benches.

Jack and I have created our garden over the past 15 years and Jack loves putting seats every where for people to sit and relax and enjoy our garden. It is only an average suburban section but it winds and wanders around the house and today I counted the seats and was surprised to find we have 7 benches and a couple of old chairs. So here they are, enjoy your slow look around and take plenty of time to “sit and let the joy of life catch up with you” 

A seat in the sun

A seat in the sun. First stop is straight out from the back door

You will have to share this seat with Jacks quirky frogs

A little further along and you will have to share this seat with Jacks quirky frogs

 Round the side of the house and here is another one to sit on

Round the side of the house and here is another one to sit on. The gate takes you round to the front garden. Follow me…

Turn right through the gate and there is a seat and a small table to rest your cup of coffee or glass of wine

Turn right through the gate and there is a seat and a small table to rest your cup of coffee or glass of wine


Did you notice Buddha has joined you at this seat?

Did you notice Buddha has joined you at this seat?

Through the gate and over to another seat

Through the gate, past the bird bath and over to another seat


The plants are joining you on this bench

The plants are joining you on this bench

A nice shady area to "sit a while and let the joy of life catch up with you"

Over along the side of the garden a nice shady area to “sit a while and let the joy of life catch up with you

Can you spot Elvis serenading you?

Can you spot Elvis serenading you? That is another of Jack’s sculptures, we call this “the blues corner”

Not really a bench but I thought I would show you our shabby chic metal chairs, found at the rubbish tip.

Not really a bench but I thought I would show you our shabby chic metal chairs, found at the rubbish tip.

I hope you have enjoyed a leisurely stroll around our garden. Thanks for this theme Ailsa.


Categories: benches, photography, travel theme | Tags: , , , | 26 Comments

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