Weekly Photo Challenge : Happy campers

The joy of camping is one of my “happy places“. Waking up to the early morning sun filtering through the trees. Exploring new places. Then at the end of the day setting up camp , sharing meals under the stars with new friends or relaxing in a hammock. Then watching the many beautiful sunsets.

My idea of heaven…

Categories: Australia, camping, happy place, weekly photo challenge | Tags: , , , , | 27 Comments

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27 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge : Happy campers

  1. yes, I can see why this camping is a slice heaven to you – 🙂

    • G’day Yvette, nice to hear from you. Yes those were the days, I miss it now we have sold Matilda…How are you?

  2. These photos look so lovely and peaceful, Pauline 😀

  3. I couldn’t agree more! Love your early morning photo, too – it really captures the outdoor serenity 🙂

  4. I have to agree with you. It has been years since I’ve done much camping but I used to love it. When I was a kid, my family camped a lot during the summers in Minnesota. We had a huge blue tent and my dad always wanted to stay at places that were not full during the week. There was nothing quite like laying on the gravel road of the camp ground to try to find satellites moving across the milky way or hearing the loons on the lake when everything else was silent.

  5. I can see why you would miss Matilda, she’s a beauty and I’d love one just like her, then in an ideal world, sigh, I’d drive to Cape Town! 🙂

  6. Lovely photos to reflect your happy camping. Like the hammock.

  7. I’d love a little camper van like Mathilda too, though I do like a comfy bed. Not sure I could do basic camping now, but I love the idea of the freedom it gives you. I can see why this would be your ‘happy’

    • The bed in Matilda was SOOOO comfy, nice and firm and went from side to side so I couldn’t fall out. I don’t think I could sleep on the ground any more, just getting up each morning would be a struggle… 😦

  8. Sounds great! You captured the sun filter beautifully

  9. Married 43 happy years to wife, camper and boat. Boat and camper are gone, glad some happy remains.

  10. Like Jude, I can see why this would be your ‘happy’….I used to love camping and the freedom it gave, but don’t have the energy to do that sort of thing now!

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