Thursday Doors : Braidwood

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Back in 2014 I was exploring the small town of Braidwood. (follow this link if you would like to see where it is and what else I found)

Down one of the side streets I noticed this house. It intrigued me. Had it once been a church? The windows would suggest it had. Then I noticed the sign at the top under the wires, hard to read and almost obliterated,  “Wesley Church 1855”. It had a dilapidated, hangdog sort of look to it, in need of some TLC. I wondered if anyone lived in it. The old style bike parked at the door would suggest, maybe, someone was inside. My imagination was in overdrive. I would love to peer through the windows but the red “private” sign warned me to keep away.

Looking closer at the door I could see someone with a sense of humour lived here.

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Thursday Doors is a weekly feature allowing door lovers to come together to admire and share their favourite door photos from around the world. Feel free to join in on the fun by creating and sharing your own Thursday Doors post each week between Thursday morning and Saturday noon (North American eastern time).

Categories: Australia, Braidwood, doors, memories, photography, Thursday doors | Tags: , , , | 38 Comments

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38 thoughts on “Thursday Doors : Braidwood

  1. A scene full of queries: who lives there, and who owns the bike, and what is it like inside? But overall a mysterious scene – with even the tiniest touch of the sinister?

    • Yes I wondered about the star and sickle. I think you could conjure up a good mystery story around that place Tish…

  2. It’s great, everything points to the heavens!

  3. I am the door clarifies some things! 😉

  4. 🙂 Wonderful.

  5. That is just lovely – excellent choice 🙂

  6. This is so cool! I’m glad you found and shared it.


  7. Fascinating. I wanted to peek inside also. Enjoyed this bit of mystery! Thanks.

    • All sorts of questions passed through my mind as I took that photo Eileen. I would’ve loved to have seen a person to ask what was inside. I bet it has an interesting history.

  8. Wonderful shaped door and window.

  9. I admire you more and more every time you visit a place I think I know well. This is a wonderful post.

    • You live in a very interesting and beautiful part of the country Meg. Do you get to visit these places? I know I go wandering off miles from home when there is so much around here. So this year we plan to spend time exploring our own back yard…

  10. Fantastic find….and the bike just sets it off nicely

  11. Haha, What a fun note on the door. Love the shape on top of those old church doors and windows. Gothic?

  12. Great door, I love the window too.

  13. That is one wonderful door PP. I love the (Victorian) Gothic style of the door matching the window. I guess the transom above the door was once glazed too. How I would love to go inside. And that bike is just perfectly placed.

    • You’ve given me a new word Jude. Didn’t know the correct word I just called it a “sign”. I agree the position and old style of bike fitted perfectly

  14. I would LOVE to go inside, Pauline. Next time I’m in Braidwood, I might just knock on that door 😀

  15. So intriguing! It looks a very friendly little building to me,something smiley about it, even if it is a bit gothic especially with the sky blue door – a lovely door find!

    • G’day Jane, thank you for leaving an interesting comment. It certainly is a door that can have so many interpretations.

  16. Love so much about this picture. The charming old church (?), the blue color of the door, the bicycle, the flowers…just the perfect combination of details.

  17. Pingback: Thursday Doors : Braidwood… | Memories are made of this

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