Weekly Photo Challenge : Serenity


Serenity can take many forms. To feel serene is to be calm, peaceful and untroubled.

Noosa Beach

Noosa Beach

Sun, sand, sea and a deserted beach to share with your dog and loved one. It couldn’t be more serene than this. Or could it?

Avon River, Christchurch

Avon River, Christchurch

Maybe your idea of serenity is to be with a good friend and be gently punted along the Avon River on a calm autumn day.

A gardens on bikes 081_3264x2448

To be surrounded by the beauty of nature brings a serenity to my heart as the sun reaches down into the rainforest and highlights the moisture in the air.

“It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men’s hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air that emanation from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit.
–  Robert Louis Stevenson  

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To stand on the edge of a lake and watch as the first light of morning tips the peaks with a soft pink glow and the mist gently rises from the lake.  All is silent, for a brief moment the air is still, before the first bird heralds the dawn.

“Nothing that is can pause or stay;
The moon will wax, the moon will wane,
The mist and cloud will turn to rain,
The rain to mist and cloud again,
Tomorrow be today.”
–  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow   

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Keep looking up! I learn from the past, dream about the future and look up.

There’s nothing like a beautiful sunset to end a healthy day.

Rachel Boston


This week the WP photo challenge is to show serenity in a photo. I hope you are now feeling relaxed and calm after looking through these images.

Categories: Australia, photography, postaday, serenity, weekly photo challenge | Tags: , , , , | 26 Comments

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26 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge : Serenity

  1. This is exactly the picture I was looking for in my archives for this theme. We are cindered spirit my friend.

  2. Stunning photos !

  3. Mmm… interesting that most of the shots you chose for this challenge show water. Water does have that effect on you – all those negative ions swirling about makes you feel calm and relaxed.

    • I had not really noticed that when I chose the images Jude, I think it was subliminal, water does soothe the soul…

  4. beautiful collection of peaceful places. I could imagine happily relaxing in any of them.

  5. I love beaches, and if it’s a deserted one, wow, it’s paradise!

    • It is amazing in Australia, being an island, and so big, there are lots of beaches and even near the popular tourist destinations you can still find this isolation.

  6. I love the rainforest picture, with the sun beaming through.

  7. Nice selection of watery serenity, Pauline 🙂

  8. Betautiful photos ! I ❤ them !

  9. Pomme -enjoyed your tour of pics for the serenity word – between the different options and the quotes – I was feeling good – and the last one – about looking up – perfect one to end with – (and jatchewd that cool photo of yours – wow is that a beauty- with the hanging leaves)

    but while that rachel quote is simpler than the other quotes in this post – but it was my fav of them – as it added to the ending and also was a quote that is really kinda my life mantra –

    like we learn – we feel and digest things – but then we get to being in the now – looking up – and enjoying the day for what it has – so nice. now I am going to click the link for her and see where that takes me… 😉

    • Thanks Y lovely, thoughtful comment, I liked that last quote too. It is so interesting to be able to surf the net with Google. It can be very enlightening but time consuming also…

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